In a shocking turn of events, the highly anticipated anime sequel, ‘YURI!!! on ICE Movie: ICE ADOLESCENCE,’ has been officially cancelled by MAPPA, leaving fans worldwide devastated. The announcement, which came earlier today, marks the end of a seven-year wait since the movie was initially announced back in 2017.
The decision to cancel the production was confirmed through an official statement released by the production committee, expressing deep regret for not being able to fulfill fans’ expectations. The statement cited various circumstances that led to the difficult decision, despite continuous efforts by the production committee and staff to bring the movie to fruition.
The cancellation has sent shockwaves across social media platforms, with fans expressing a range of emotions, including disappointment, sadness, and disbelief. Many have taken to Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms to share their memories of the series and lament the loss of its continuation.
‘Yuri on Ice’ originally premiered as a 12-episode series created by Mitsurou Kubo and directed by Sayo Yamamoto, with animation by MAPPA. The announcement of the movie in 2017 generated immense excitement among fans, who eagerly awaited its release. However, a delay was announced in 2019, followed by updates indicating that production was still ongoing.
MAPPA CEO Manabu Otsuka previously shared insights into the challenges faced by the production, noting that despite the series’ huge success, it yielded relatively low profits due to the studio’s limited equity in its production.
While the cancellation of ‘YURI!!! on ICE Movie: ICE ADOLESCENCE’ may come as a heavy blow to fans, there remains hope for the future. Despite the setback, enthusiasts continue to hold out optimism that someday they may see more of the beloved series on screen.
As the anime community grapples with the news of the cancellation, the legacy of ‘Yuri on Ice’ and its impact on fans’ lives serve as a testament to its enduring popularity and cultural significance.
Source: Press Release