In an exciting development for anime enthusiasts worldwide, Crunchyroll has revealed plans for the global theatrical release of “Haikyuu: The Dumpster Battle Movie.” The announcement comes on the heels of the movie’s immense success in Japanese theaters since its premiere in February 2024.
Directed and written by Susumu Mitsunaka, “Haikyuu: The Dumpster Battle Movie” serves as a direct sequel to the fourth season of the immensely popular Haikyuu anime series. With character designs by Takahiro Kishida and Takahiro Chiba serving as the Chief Animation Director, the movie promises to deliver the same adrenaline-pumping action and emotional depth that fans have come to love.
Since its debut earlier this year, the movie has shattered box office records, earning an impressive 9.27 billion yen in just two months. Its rapid ascent to becoming the 60th highest-grossing film of all time in Japan underscores its widespread appeal and the fervent dedication of Haikyuu’s loyal fanbase.
Building on this momentum, Crunchyroll has unveiled an extensive list of global theatrical release dates for “Haikyuu: The Dumpster Battle Movie.” Starting in mid-May and extending into June 2024, audiences in various countries will have the opportunity to experience the epic showdown between Karasuno and Nekoma High School on the big screen.
The release dates are as follows:
- May 15th: Korea, The Philippines
- May 16th: Malaysia, Singapore
- May 17th: Vietnam
- May 30th: Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, Argentina, Brazil, Central America (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama), Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru
- May 31st: Canada, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States
- June 7th: Turkey, Bangladesh
- June 12th: Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland
- June 15th: Mainland China
- June 25th: Austria, Germany
- June 27th: Switzerland
Furthermore, fans in Thailand, Indonesia, and India can anticipate the movie’s release in May, with specific dates set to be announced soon.
The global theatrical release of “Haikyuu: The Dumpster Battle Movie” marks a significant moment for the anime community, offering enthusiasts around the world the chance to immerse themselves in the exhilarating world of Haikyuu like never before. With its blend of intense sports action, heartfelt camaraderie, and inspiring themes, the movie is poised to captivate audiences of all ages.
As anticipation continues to mount, fans are encouraged to stay tuned for further updates and announcements regarding “Haikyuu: The Dumpster Battle Movie.” Whether you’re a seasoned fan or new to the series, don’t miss your chance to experience the thrill of Haikyuu on the silver screen.
For the latest news and updates on the global release of “Haikyuu: The Dumpster Battle Movie,” be sure to follow Crunchyroll and official Haikyuu channels on social media. Get ready to spike, set, and soar with Haikyuu!
Source: Haikyuu